Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Two Motets and Three Songs

The group I'm singing with, the Russian Chamber Chorus of NY is performing two concerts next week on Wed. the 9th and Sat. the 12th. It is an amazing program, with pieces by Latvian, Hungarian, French, Russian, Italian and American composers. It has been a challenge to work on these varied sources. I also am singing tenor in this program for the first time and it is hard to imagine a more difficult first program at tenor.

Our director was interviewed about the program by the VAN site and you can read the inteview here. For my part I will say I love this program and I'm really looking forward to the performances.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds wonderful. wish I could be there. The performance at Trinity is on your birthday, sounds like a great way to enjoy the day!
Love, Mom