Wednesday, July 18, 2007

iPhone and new number

I bought an iPhone. It is the 8Gb model. Yeah, it's really expensive, but the way I look at it I bought myself a little miniature computer, which it is (it runs OS X). To me that is justification. And since my iPod broke and my contract with Sprint is up, it made sense to me.

I had to get a new number because you can't transfer numbers when you no longer live in the same area code as you bought your old phone (yes it makes no sense).

I'll send a mass email with my new number, but if you don't make it on the list please send me an email.



Unknown said...

So, how many hours did you stand in line for it? I heard they sold out almost immediately the first day out, or did you wait.
Anyway, they look like they were made for someone like you.

Erin Sheldon said...

There was no line when I went. I didn't buy it till last week and the lines had died down by then.

They are pretty cool. My biggest complaint is the mail client, which is really weak. But the rest is very nice.
